Integrated Approach to Sustainable Growth


Nurturing the ‘One Reliance’ Family: Creating a Growth-driven Workplace with Care and Empathy

Reliance has always believed that its greatest strength is the ONE RELIANCE family that has powered its inclusive growth since the beginning. The Company regards its people as its most valuable asset. Therefore, caring for its people holistically, enabling them to build meaningful careers and ensuring their overall well-being, is central to the Company’s organisational culture, strategic priorities and future aspirations. In turn, led by the organisational spirit of service and care, every member of the Reliance Family goes that extra mile to create value for society and serve as a Goodwill Ambassador of the Company.

Material Topics

  • Health, Safety and Employee Well-being
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Talent Management
  • Labour Management and Human Rights
  • Business Ethics, Integrity and Transparency
  • Grievance Redressal Mechanism

United Nations SDGs

As one of India’s largest private- sector employers, Reliance focuses on fostering the sustained development of its human capital through a well- defined strategy underlined with care, empathy, inclusiveness and respect. The Company’s culture of boldly embracing the future and empowering successive generations to take up seemingly unsurmountable challenges helps it attract some of the best minds from across the world. Reliance nurtures a progressive people environment, where purpose- driven talent is empowered by a strong, consistent, and meritocratic Human Resources (HR) framework.

Over the years, Reliance has continued to place a great emphasis on enriching its human capital.

The Company ensures that its people have an encouraging work culture and continuous learning opportunities. Additionally, it has invested in creating a world- class workplace that interweaves productivity, health and safety, and a deep sense of belonging.

Reliance believes that its success is inextricably related to the success of its people. Continuous learning, structured career advancement opportunities and an industry- leading employee value proposition are part of its value creation strategy for its people. The entrepreneurial culture at Reliance has nurtured an energised and motivated talent pool that is translating opportunities into reality for the Company every day while carving enriching professional paths for themselves.

Highlights FY 2021-22



Reliance Group













Increase in Women workforce
at Retail


Increase in total person -hours of training in Jio

Management approach

The Company has strong systems and processes to monitor and improve its workforce’s quality continuously and implement measures required to support a dynamic business environment.

One of the significant challenges the Company faced was ensuring people’s mental health and well-being during COVID-19. During the year, Reliance periodically assessed employee sentiment studies through feedback on wellness & safety, learning, productivity, communications, and overall organisational response to the pandemic. Additionally, various cohort-specific measurement frameworks were launched to receive feedback across the employee lifecycle at multiple touchpoints. These included new joiner experience, exit feedback, and cadre experience surveys targeting the campus cadres’ learning journey, Reliance Emerging Leaders, Graduate Engineering Trainees, Chartered Accountancy Trainees, Executive Trainees, and others. Over the last year, Reliance has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from eligible employees and has endeavoured to ensure consistent action planning and remedial measures for any gap areas identified.

Health, Safety and Employee Well-being

Reliance's Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Policy reflects the importance of human value. The HSE Policy is enabled by the Operating Management System (OMS). The OMS is a framework to deliver and sustain conformance to the essentials at all times and achieve excellence in operating activities and processes. The OMS provides a systematic approach to consistently reduce Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) risks in operating activities. Risk management is at the heart of the OMS and implementation of a standardised Risk Management process has brought enhanced risk understanding down to the asset facing personnel who understand and manage operating risk on a real time basis.

The governance of OMS is entrusted to a fully equipped and well-qualified HSE and Process Safety organisation embedded within the operating entities. A Safety & Operational Risk function has been put in place at the corporate level to bring in technical expertise and to provide independent assurance. This function facilitates aligning the requirements of OMS with global and national standards such as OSHA, API, PESO, PNGRB, OISD and NFPA.

The Company implemented a three lines of defense approach to have an independent view of OMS implementation requirements in the operating and maintenance activities.

The principles set out in OMS have been imbibed in operations and are helping to achieve safe, compliant and reliable operations. The OMS framework is based on the principle of continual improvement. Systems and processes have been put in place to analyse incidents and implement learnings to further improve the operations from safety and reliability
point of view.

Safety Parameters
(FY 2021-22)
RIL Retail Jio
Lost Time Injury 35 49 5
Lost Time Injury
Frequency Rate (per million man-hours)
0.13 0.06 0.07

In Malaysia, there were 46 injuries and the LTIFR was 4.73 per million man- hours. In December 2021, there was a fatality at one of our RIL sites, involving 1 contractor workman. The incident has been thoroughly analysed and corrective actions have been taken to strengthen our systems further to prevent recurrence of such incidents in future.


Reliance has taken several measures to institutionalise care and ensure the holistic well-being of all its employees. The R-Swasthya initiative is an integrated approach based on the five pillars of well-being mainly, Physical, Mental, Financial, Social and Spiritual wellness.

The programme is a focused effort to develop the capabilities of managers to ensure mental well-being in the organisation. In the spirit of self- reliance, the programme includes interventions that train individuals on self-care and build resilience to deal with life and work challenges. R-Swasthya serves as a platform where communities of trust can be formed, inculcating a deep sense of psychological safety necessary for people to thrive. These are spaces where employees can lean on each other and provide mutual support when facing stress and anxiety. In addition, the programme helps develop well-being champions who can act as listening posts and support employees without prejudice and judgement.

Several unique initiatives under R-Swasthya were rolled out for the employees and their families during the year. Over 15,000 employees and families attended about 60 webinars. Additionally, engagements on mental wellness, education and awareness, physical health, financial planning, mindfulness, and others were organised throughout the year.


A 21 Day Campaign to Mark International Day of Happiness

The Company launched a 21-day campaign on the International Day of Happiness for the Reliance Family. The campaign was curated to encourage employees and their families to develop healthy habits focusing on mental, physical, financial, social, and spiritual wellness. More than 2000 employees joined this initiative, where a new activity was shared every day and participants were encouraged to socialise and share the learnings of their experience with others through various platforms.

Reliance Retail has implemented measures to provide a safe and healthy workplace and access to benefits. With the onset of the pandemic, the Company moved to a remote working environment and offered employees with benefits of location flexibility, extended maternity leaves, guidance on accessing doctors on the Reliance network and coordination for hospitalisation and medicines among many other initiatives. It extended its well-being benefits to all employees to ensure their physical and mental well-being. As part of this, several webinars were conducted for employees on Empathy, Physical well-being, Mental health and Behavioural and Mental adjustments to remote working models. Structured communication around vaccination ensured eligible employees register themselves and their family members for vaccinations through the government app – CoWIN or Aarogya Setu as applicable and follow the mandated process.

In FY 2021-22, key initiatives undertaken to promote health and well-being across the Company included:

Diversity and Inclusion

Reliance’s philosophy of 'We Care' has helped it draw talent who not only bring expertise and experience to the Company but also have shared values. It takes pride in its diverse workforce that transcends nationalities, cultures, genders, abilities, generations, and experiences.

Reliance strives to build a conducive environment where each employee has the chance to participate, contribute and grow while tapping its rich and diversified human capital to realise its aspirations and build a long-term competitive edge. Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) at Reliance is incorporated into the Company’s people strategy and focuses on three key dimensions of gender, ability, and generation.

The Reliance Group’s Diversity & Inclusion (DEI) Charter was launched by Ms Isha Ambani, affirming Reliance’s unwavering commitment to the values of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The Company follows a 5E framework (Educate, Encourage, Enable, Experience and Effectiveness) to support a more inclusive workplace for all. Group D&I efforts focused on demonstrating “intended inclusivity” and further strengthening the culture of allyship through interventions such as inclusive leadership program, inspiring leader connects, created various platforms for employees to connect/share and learn and a Group D&I Portal to showcase the One Reliance Inclusion Story to all and ensuring people can access information relevant to them based on their life stage and career stage.

Reliance Retail has adopted a top-down approach to demonstrate the spirit of inclusion & diversity. As a starting point, more than 200 senior leaders have been sensitised on ‘Unconscious Biases’, which often serve as impediments to building an inclusive workplace. Reliance Retail has implemented two significant flagship programmes, ‘Jagriti’ and ‘Pragati’, to enable women employees to grow to managerial roles at stores. These programmes are designed to empower women employees to overcome their mental barriers and inhibitions and generate belief in their abilities to become managers and successfully lead stores and teams. Select women employees were put through various training programmes and promoted as store and department managers to encourage more women to take on leadership roles and boost gender diversity. Currently, there are over 370 stores led by women managers, of which the Grocery business has 204 women- led stores, followed by Trends with 76. There has been a perceptible and definitive improvement in hygiene, discipline and working conditions at these stores.

Reliance Retail has gone a step further. Its ‘Sahakari Bhandar’ has employed close to 100 differently- abled boys and girls under the programme ‘Saksham’, transforming their lives right from training to employment and then engagement. There are exclusive rewards & recognition programmes designed for them at the workplace as well as cultural activities to ensure their continued engagement.


A first-of-its-kind digital networking platform launched by Smt. Nita Ambani aims to accelerate women’s empowerment and strengthen the bonds of sisterhood globally. It offers women from all over the world a joyful and safe space for interaction, engagement, collaboration and an extended mutual support group.

Empowering Women at Reliance through R-Aadya

Approach: R-Aadya is a gender inclusion programme which firmly believes that each gender has a unique set of realities and ways of knowing and understanding the world. The initiative focuses on gender specific needs and challenges; and through a set of development interventions aims at addressing the specific personal life stages and career stage needs of women employees in partnership with all the stakeholders.

Impact: The programme reached out to nearly 5,000 employees resulting in a allyship in the organisation with an increased awareness on inclusion, equality, equity and diversity.

Talent Management

Onboarding the right talent and investing in their growth is key to Reliance’s people strategy. The Company seeks out and develops high-potential employees, providing them with accelerated learning and development opportunities.

Talent Development has always remained a key enabler for achieving business and talent outcomes. The Company focuses on four key areas to promote the culture of continuous improvement and development among the employees.

Four key focus areas of Reliance:

Building Future Readiness and Talent Sustainability

Building Leaders of Tomorrow

Nurturing Young Talent

Fostering Talent in the Virtual Ecosystem

Building future readiness and talent sustainability

Reliance aspires to be a global leader in the energy and materials space, sustaining the leadership position of O2C, and achieving Net Zero. The Company operates in a highly volatile and disruptive industry scenario which requires sharp focus on building capabilities across the value chain. Therefore, upskilling for future-readiness is a critical business imperative.

Reliance’s key initiatives:

A. Upskilling for new-age technologies, power skills and domain knowledge

During the year, the Company launched several deep skilling initiatives to develop and strengthen digital and data skills of its employees both at an organisation level as well as for specific focus groups. These include training for specialised skills to enhance Digital, Data and Design Thinking capabilities among employees.

The ‘Power Skills of Future’ initiative aims at developing critical behavioural skills. Immersive mini simulations on ten future skills were launched during the year, benefiting more than 3,500 employees.

Reliance also launched ‘Learning Challenge’, an innovative effort to develop critical power skills. The challenge witnessed participation from over 12,500 employees.

Based on business needs, 177 future domain skills have been identified across the organisation, 64% of which are addressed through relevant initiatives. Some of the training initiatives include IWCF and BOSIET HUET (E&P), Techno-Commercial Expertise in Procurement Risk Management, Business Acumen, Export Import management (P&C), Value-Based Selling, Customer Centricity and Business Risk Management (Petchem).

Further, continuous learning is at the centre of all the talent development interventions at Reliance Retail. The intent is to inspire a pull-based learning culture in which employees are provided with multiple opportunities and mediums to learn. The learning strategy has been defined as per the role-based employee lifecycle from new role readiness programmes to next role readiness programmes.

The objective for defining a structured capability development strategy is two-fold:

Healing while learning through powerful business stories

Approach: The Petchem Academy launched a monthly initiative 'Story Sutra' to cover a business story by employees. Till date, 7 episodes have been successfully concluded with participation by more than 1,000 employees. Every episode received average participant rating of more than 4.6 on the scale of 5.


Employee Development Journey... in the flow of work & life

Learning agenda is no more Push-based, its Pull based. It is employee-centric and meets the organisation's talent needs!

Nurturing Talent through the Career Acceleration Programme (CAP)

Approach: Reliance’s CAP initiative is designed to identify high potential employees. The programme is a journey of learning and self-reflection with preparatory assistance and access to previous CAPs.


  • The programme expanded to over 8,000+ employees this year.
  • Participants get an opportunity to work on cross-functional assignments and roles.
  • The programme, till date, has boosted the career progression of over 70% of the participants.
  • The programme has been instrumental in retaining high performing and potential talent with average retention being 96% over the years.

B. Talent reviews and succession planning

Reliance emphasises robust succession planning to identify high potential talent and prepare them for critical leadership positions. Sustained efforts were taken to ensure that high calibre employees led critical roles within the organisation.

Building leaders of tomorrow

The Company follows a structured and comprehensive leadership development approach that focuses on building and empowering leaders at all levels. Some of the interventions undertaken include:

Nurturing young talent

Reliance emphasises young talent and offers entry-level programmes at prominent institutions, enabling fresh graduates from campuses to join the organisation and contribute to its expansive ecosystem. Reliance continues to nurture talent through entry-level programmes, with hiring efforts ramped up in FY 2021-22:

The young talent undergoes a careful selection process and a unique gamified orientation into the world of Reliance. They are mentored by senior leaders and experts, and are involved in live projects to develop their capabilities to prepare them for future leadership roles.

Fostering talent in the virtual ecosystem

To ensure the continued development of talent in the face of changing realities, all the initiatives seamlessly operated in the virtual mode of delivery, with the focus of efforts pinned on holistic development and well-being.

These mediums have democratised learning which is accessible anytime, anywhere and on any device. They are available to anyone and provide a superior learner experience.

  • The talent initiatives also involved the parents and spouses of the participating employees in the efforts towards employee development and well- being by sending them acknowledgements.

HR and L&D Key Parameters

Parameter RIL* Jio Retail Reliance Group*
Number of employees 22,642 83,347 2,15,614 3,42,982
Number of new hires 1,843 57,883 1,68,910 2,32,822
Number of voluntary separations# 1,785 28,473 69,266 --
Differently-abled employees 45 0 1,351 1,410
Number of Female employees 1,303 8,280 48,882 63,167
Paternity leaves taken by employees 463 2,504 902 4,090
Employees back in the same year after Paternity Leave 463 2,456 814 3,954
Maternity leave taken by employees 43 213 251 608
Employees back in the same year after Maternity Leave 43 208 226 578
Total man hours of training (in Hours) 7,65,273 88,41,082 1,31,37,620 2,27,78,582

* RIL in this context only includes India operations.

** Consolidated data for the Group includes RIL, Jio, Retail, Media and Malaysia operations.

# Voluntary separations exclude death, retirement and other involuntary separations.

Reliance is committed to talent management and investing in people. The Company recognises that it can play a fundamental role in providing skill building opportunities to the young or unskilled workforce. Reliance takes immense pride in developing skillsets relevant for India and Indians in evolving economic models. This is reflected in the 2.2+ Crore person-hours of training imparted during the reporting year. The Company has a substantial workforce that is under the age of 30 (representing 55.2%), and in the consumer facing businesses the Company also provides job opportunities to the employees in the Non-Supervisory category (over 50% as shown in the graphs below). Nonetheless, there are factors which contribute to separations and the Company recognises that these are inevitable and monitors them as an important matrix for employee retention.

For RIL, the most common reasons for the voluntary separations have been identified as – diverse career advancement opportunities available in the market, pursuing higher education, and relocating to areas closer to home.

In the digital services business voluntary separations was primarily driven by specific frontline non-supervisory roles pertaining to sales and service.

Retail employs a young staff, typically in the twenties. With reopening of the economy, multiple opportunities opened up for young employees, enabling them to explore new sectors and workforce models. Retail implemented significant engagement programs to secure critical talent. Retail’s people practices have allowed it to get certified by the Great Place to Work Institute as one of the Top 100 Best Workplaces in the country.

Employees by Skill Breakdown

Grooming future leaders

'Spectrum', Reliance Hydrocarbons’ annual dedication to the Company’s culture of continuous and holistic development, ran its 6th edition on the theme of 'Learning Unlimited'. The two week-long learning intervention witnessed deep leadership involvement of 100+ leaders as speakers, guides, and content designers. This initiative delivered business-led, future-focused immersive learnings through innovative new formats covering 13,000+ learners in 65+ sessions. Eminent industry leaders such as Smt. Arundhati Bhattacharya, Ex Chairperson SBI and Independent Director, Reliance, led “Spectrum Talks”. The marquee event saw the participation of 1,200 Company employees.

Immersive Learning
Inspiring micro learning, leadership talks, SME Sessions, Simulations, Speed Monitoring, Idea Hackathon, Day in the life of Leader, and more

New-age Gateway
3D and 360-degree gateway enhanced the experience manifold

Leadership Presence
Strong presence as speakers, facilitators, and content designers

Future-focused Approach
Centred around themes of future of business and future skills

Engaging Families
Open to families with a variety of sessions and activities

Continued Learning
The Spectrum Reflection campaign keeps the spirit of the programme alive beyond the event by making the content available to all

Reliance continues to celebrate ‘Inspire’ in September 2021 to recognise internal facilitators. During Inspire 2021, over 1,200 internal facilitators were thanked for their contribution to the learning agenda. Additionally, 800 People Managers who played an active role in their team’s learning were recognised as Learning Enablers.

Digitally enabled people transformation

Reliance is building a world-class digitally enabled platform, aptly named PeopleFirst, that places ‘people at the centre’.

PeopleFirst aims to provide a highly personalised and curated employee experience to help people find their purpose and passion at work, and reinforces growth and well-being. It has simplified employee services and brought them to the fingertips of each employee, no matter their location or role.

The platform acts as a world-class real time integrated performance management system, with wide customisation choices by business and workforce, linking individual performance to business outcomes, feedback from primary and agile project teams and many more features.

In the near future, the Company will have visibility on employee skills, automated, dynamic and individual career maps for each employee, and integrated learning needs with personal aspirations.

PeopleFirst will facilitate swifter adoption of 'future of work' practices and seamless access to all infrastructure and benefits.

Fostering employee centric innovation platform

The spirit of innovation is central to Reliance's credo. The core element of the organisation’s DNA is Innovation which enables the Company to add value to all its stakeholders. Be it inspiring the first generation of retail investors in India, setting up the world’s largest grassroots refinery, or ushering in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Reliance’s disruptive innovations continue to fulfil the aspirations of millions of Indians.

Innovation within the Company endeavours to catalyse ‘integrated innovation-led exponential growth’. Reliance leverages cutting-edge digital technologies to develop and deploy relevant programmes that empower all its stakeholders and foster a culture of innovation.

Labour management and human rights

Reliance adheres to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in human rights, labour practices, environmental protection, and anti-corruption. The Company’s operational units comply with local and national regulations. Further, the Company’s Values and Behaviours, and the Code of Conduct provide necessary policy and operating framework for execution of its strategic vision. The collective bargaining agreements encompass nearly all non-supervisory permanent employees across all manufacturing facilities.

There were zero occurrences of child labour, forced labour, involuntary labour, sexual harassment, or discriminatory employment throughout the reporting period. Men and women selected for the same cadre programme receive equal pay at the entry-level.

Business ethics, integrity and transparency

Reliance has robust governance and Code of Conduct policies for its human capital. The Company’s Board level Human Resources, Nomination and Remuneration Committee periodically reviews and evaluates overall human resources and associated policies from time to time. Further, the decisions relating to the employee Code of Conduct are monitored through Ethics and Compliance Task Force (ECTF), which consists of an Executive Director, General Counsel, Group Controller, and Group Company Secretary. This Task Force evaluates incidents of suspected or actual violations of the Code of Conduct and reports them to the Audit Committee every quarter. In addition to this, Reliance has mandatory e-learning courses, which aim to equip its employees with the required understanding and knowledge to effectively conduct its business in an ethical manner and prevent, identify, and respond to violations.

Grievance redressal mechanism

To deal with concerns of ethics, non-compliance, and violations of its Code of Conduct, Reliance has established a vigil mechanism and a whistle blower policy for its employees and directors. The whistle-blower can make a protected disclosure through an e-mail or dedicated telephone line or a letter to the ECTF or to the Chairman of the Audit Committee. RIL’s Code of Conduct, Vigil mechanism and Whistle blower policy form the foundation of the Company’s commitment towards ethical conduct at all levels

Employee volunteering

Several studies indicate that employee volunteering instils a sense of purpose amongst employees and has the potential to increase productivity and higher workplace morale. Throughout the year, Reliance organised numerous employee volunteering activities to provide them with a meaningful and gratifying experience. These activities saw increased participation of employees from all levels across the Company. The Reliance Foundation organised the engagements to promote various causes through partner NGOs around the country.

Our recognitions

Way Forward

As Reliance reimagines its future, the Company is also strengthening its talent development frameworks to groom the next generation of leaders and workforce. The Company will continue to create opportunities to increase the diversity in the workforce.

Reliance will continue to extend support to help tackle any COVID-19 challenges and better adapt to the post- pandemic world. Building this relationship of trust and shared values with its people empowers the Company to realise its aspiration of creating a more sustainable and inclusive future for India and the world.