Reliance Industries –
Extending 'Care' during COVID-19

The world has grappled with a health and humanitarian crisis rarely seen in history as it battled the COVID-19 pandemic in the past two years. For Reliance, caring for its stakeholders during these troubled times took centre stage. Just as people around the globe were struggling to manage the first wave of the pandemic, the debilitating second wave struck the world and India in 2021. Against this backdrop, Reliance's enduring commitment to 'Serve' or deliver 'Seva' to India and humanity became even more crucial. It formed the nucleus of proactive support to communities undertaken by the Company.

Drawing on its combined strengths, the 'One Reliance' family worked round the clock to quickly mobilise efforts on the ground to deliver 'CARE' and support the nation's fight against the pandemic. Since its inception, the Company's dedication to inclusive growth, sustainable development and meeting stakeholder expectations have been a part of its core values. Reliance's commitment to its stakeholders includes but is not limited to the communities in which it operates, the employees who drive its growth, the suppliers and partners who help achieve its business goals and the customers who are the lifeline of the Company. Reliance's spirit of 'WE CARE' encompasses all Indians and the humanity at large. Today as India and the world emerge out of the shadows of COVID-19, the spirit of resilience has become the new lodestone guiding Reliance in the post-pandemic era.

Employee Care

During the pandemic, Reliance extended care to its employees and the 'One Reliance' family through a four-pronged approach that covered communications, risk reduction, creating Infrastructure, and ensuring health and well-being, with a focus on mental health.

  • In addition to implementing stringent social distancing norms, all work locations were sanitised every three hours. Materials entering sites and townships were fumigated to ensure safety.
  • The Company implemented a COVID Pass Authenticator that has been integrated with the online symptom checker and testing data.
  • The Company announced an initiative, 'Reliance Family Support and Welfare Scheme', under which it extends support to the bereaved family members of the employees who succumbed to COVID-19.
  • The Company made provisions for special COVID leave that employees can avail if they or their family members are affected by the pandemic.
  • For off-roll workforce members who succumbed to the pandemic, the Company, through Reliance Foundation, extended its support to the bereaved families by contributing a lump sum payment of `10 lakh directly to the nominee of the deceased.

Community Care

Mission Oxygen: setting up the largest production unit of medical-grade liquid oxygen from a single location in India

Availability of medical grade oxygen for impacted patients was a life-saving need during COVID-19, especially during the second wave. Under the dedicated personal supervision of the Chairman and Managing Director, Shri Mukesh D. Ambani, the Company re-engineered its existing facilities to set up the largest production facilities in India to produce and deliver medical oxygen from a single location in record time. The Company adopted a two-pronged approach to strengthening the availability of medical-grade oxygen in India, including:

Despite not being a manufacturer of medical-grade oxygen historically, the Company's engineers quickly reconfigured and optimised operations, which were initially designed for refining and producing petrochemical grade oxygen to produce high-purity medical-grade oxygen during the second wave of the pandemic. Reliance also converted nitrogen tankers into transport trucks for medical-grade oxygen through innovative and safe processes approved by the Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO), the relevant regulatory body of the Government of India.

In the words of Chairman and Managing Director Shri Mukesh D. Ambani, "For me and all of us at Reliance, nothing is more important than saving every life as India battles against a new wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is an immediate need to maximise India's production and transportation capacities for medical grade oxygen. I am proud of our engineers at Jamnagar who have worked tirelessly, with a great sense of patriotic urgency, to meet this new challenge. I am truly humbled by the determination and sense of purpose shown by the bright, young members of the Reliance family who have once again risen to the occasion and delivered when India needs it the most."

Expanding COVID Care Facilities

Ramped up from zero to produce 11% of the liquid medical-grade oxygen
requirements of the country, including establishing the entire supply chain to
meet the urgent need

Set up capacity of

2,000+ beds

for COVID-19 care


8.5+ crore



1.4+ crore


Increased capacity of Reliance-led
COVID-19 testing labs to




gloves and


ORS packets