Natural Capital

Bridging Sustainability and Growth

Highlights FY 2020-21

Target to become Net Carbon Zero by 2035

51,47,687 GJ

Total saving due to energy conservation efforts

3.56 MW

Solar plant started at Silvassa

Sourced world’s first carbon-neutral oil

~2.3 billion

PET bottles recycled annually

2.3+ crore

Saplings planted till date

Holding the increase in global temperatures to 1.50C above pre-industrial levels as adopted in the Paris Agreement is no longer a choice but a necessity. Going beyond business imperatives and compliance requirements, this year, Reliance Chairman & Managing Director, Shri Mukesh D. Ambani announced the Company’s target to turn Net Carbon Zero by 2035. The Company considers the Net Carbon Zero target as its moral responsibility to protect the earth from the rising impact of climate change.

The Company has a robust governance approach to monitor, review and refine the way it manages natural capital usage. Reliance has deployed Company-wide annual environmental and sustainability action plans, which are monitored and reviewed regularly. The Company follows a holistic Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) policy at a Group level that defines Companywide HSE objectives and processes for plant operations to improve operational discipline and HSE performance. The Company has also designed a HSE audit programme to ensure management standards are adhered to across its operations.

The Group Safety and Operation Risk team periodically monitors the quarterly review of business plans. They also conduct periodic reviews of environmental aspects, independently, at the segment and site levels. The comprehensive review mechanism covers the lifecycle of assets, across their implementation, operating and closure phases. Reliance continues to strengthen its compliance systems and processes through rigorous internal and external audits.

The many impacts of COVID-19 have made people even more aware of the fragility of our environment and the urgent need to take better care of it. By forging new partnerships and leveraging innovation, Reliance is judiciously utilising the precious natural capital that it needs for its businesses and is striving to leave behind a better planet for future generations

Managing Environmental Impacts

The Company adopts a cross-business approach to reduce environmental footprint. It focuses on the areas of clean air and water, preventing soil contamination, preserving biodiversity, optimal utilisation of resources and digitisation of operations by utilising technology for direct energy savings and online collaborations for reducing travel needs . The Company’s state-ofthe- art facilities and seamless adoption of technology solutions ensures sustainability of operations.

2 million barrels

of the world’s first carbon-neutral oil sourced by Reliance

Air Emissions Management

To meet India’s growing needs for petrochemical building blocks and materials, in the last decade, Reliance undertook its largest investment cycle in the O2C business. Simultaneously, Reliance invested in creating digital and physical platforms that have sharply enhanced productivity as well as reduced energy intensity for Indian businesses and consumers. Energy and Materials affordability and selfsufficiency, a strong digital backbone and an efficient physical supply-chain infrastructure are key enablers for the next phase of economic growth in India.

The mega O2C projects executed in the last decade, increased Reliance’s downstream production by 65% without materially changing the feedstock requirement of the business. These projects increased crude to chemicals conversion, provided additional feedstock flexibility and optimised energy cost and enhanced self-sufficiency. It cemented Reliance’s position as largest, most complex and energy efficient integrated O2C operations globally.

GHG Emissions

Sr Parameters UOM FY2020-21* FY2019-20 FY2018-19 FY2017-18
1 Scope 1 CO2 million ton 44.67 47.50 29.69 31.50
2 Scope 2 CO2 million ton 1.25 1.45 1.14 0.82
3 TPM ‘000 ton 2.02 1.85 2.29 3.04
4 SOx ‘000 ton 21.61 22.53 22.61 22.26
5 NOx ‘000 ton 39.88 42.01 34.43 36.73
6 VOC ‘000 ton 41.31 46.15 41.88 42.9

* For scope refer Independent Assurance Statement

As the energy requirement of these mega O2C projects is currently met by conventional energy sources, there has been increase in GHG emissions in FY 2019-20, reflecting the full year of operation of the Cracker complex, and stabilisation of the Petcoke gasification complex at Jamnagar. While nearly two-third of this increase in emissions is on account of Petcoke which is now consumed in-house instead of being sold to external customers, gasification project has also had multiple beneficial impacts. It has enhanced energy selfsufficiency for Reliance and improved energy security for India. Petcoke gasificaton is also used to maximise Hydrogen production which is rapidly emerging as the fuel of choice to combat climate change and achieve de-carbonisation across industries. It also provides a solid platform to significantly reduce the cost of carbon capture and utilisation by fixing the CO2 and converting it to value-added chemicals in a sustainable manner. Gasification asset has also become the primarily source of medical grade oxygen, producing over 11% of India’s total production and meeting the needs of nearly 1 in every 10 patients.

Response to climate change will shape new business models and open-up huge opportunity sets to create value through a new energy and materials paradigm. As societal needs evolve, Reliance is committed to participate and lead in the transition to new affordable climate friendly energy and materials. During the year, Reliance unveiled its target to achieve Net Carbon zero by 2035. It also became one of the early firms to commit to WEF-IBC metrics on sustainability reporting. The WEFIBC framework endorses TCFD and provides for a three-year pathway to achieve full TCFD implementation.

The 6.2% reduction in GHG emissions during FY 2020-21 sets the tenor and trajectory for reduction in Reliance’s carbon footprint. The decrease in emissions is an outcome of several initiatives undertaken by RIL which include:

  • Energy Conservation and Fuel Mix Optimisation on a real-time basis
  • Deeper integration inside RIL’s core business management and processes
  • Adoption of next-gen digital technologies - IoT, AI / ML:
    • To capture fugitive emissions across the entire value chain - sourcing, production, storage, and distribution
    • Predictive maintenance to reduce number of plant slowdowns and shut-downs
  • Consolidation, optimisation, and integration of operations across O2C sites - post commissioning and stabilisation of all O2C projects

Over the coming years Reliance will deploy further resources - intellectual, physical, and financial and adopt a collaborative approach, to achieve further reduction in Greenhouse Gas emission. The key elements of our carbon reduction strategy include:

  • Transition from transportation fuels to chemical building blocks integrated with sustainable downstream derivatives
  • Transition from fossil fuels to renewable fuels for captive energy demand
  • Maximising use of biofuels and using bio-pathways to fix CO2 and facilitate conversion to renewable fuels and materials
  • Scaling up recycling of materials and maximising circularity across the value chains
  • Achieving CO2 capture, storage and conversion to useful chemicals and materials at competitive costs

Reliance will continue to upgrade the strategy and roadmap with an endeavor to achieve Net Carbon Zero target sooner than 2035.

Water Management

Water is a critical resource for Reliance’s businesses. It has adopted a holistic and climate-conscious approach to manage water-related risks. The Company manages and monitors the amount of water withdrawn, discharged and recycled across its operations.

Reliance takes proactive steps to recycle water using state-of-the-art technologies to reduce freshwater dependency. Treated effluents are reused in the cooling towers, for horticulture activities and in firewater networks. The Company’s world-class desalination unit at the Jamnagar facility is a testimony of its commitment to creating sustainable sources of water. The key performance parameters that are being tracked in our Hydrocarbon business are mentioned below:

219 million KL

Total water withdrawn

33 million KL

Water discharged

99 million KL

Water recycled

Collaboration with Forest Essentials under #GoGreenWithFE

R|Elan™ collaborated with Forest Essentials™, the Ayurvedabased skincare and perfume brand, to encourage recycling of used plastic packaging. Forest Essentials™ incentivised customers through a rewards programme to discard empty jars and bottles into a specially created collection facility at its major stores. This waste will be processed and repurposed to make GreenGold™ fibre and fabric used to make apparel, bags and other items.

Waste Management

Reliance is a firm believer in the 3Rs of circular economy – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. To improve circularity in plastics, the Company collects, sorts and recycles plastics to reduce dependency on new and virgin resources.

The Company’s waste management strategy undertakes the following initiatives:

  • Adopting responsible plastic and e-waste management strategies across Reliance Retail. It is now authorised to collect e-waste and fulfil extended producer responsibilities
  • Recycling discarded PET bottles into fabric such as Recron Green Gold. We plan to more than double our recycling capabilities to about 5 billion PET bottles annually
  • Sponsoring more than 100 reverse vending machine installations across major cities to enhance public awareness about plastic waste
  • Using bioplastic for packaging and agricultural applications
  • Using flexible plastic waste in road making through our initiative, ReRoute
  • Transforming Multi Layered Packaging (MLP) waste to stable oil at refineries and O2C plants to produce plastics again
  • Recycling hazardous waste for use as alternate fuels and raw material for cement industries

Energy Efficiency Operations

Measures such as replacement with LED at retail stores, translucent roofsheets at the warehouses, design changes to enhance natural lighting at the stores and wet cleaning of HVAC systems have contributed significantly to improving the Company’s energy efficiency.

51,47,687 GJ

Energy saved

For its Digital Services business, the Company has put in place certain energy-saving systems that ensure one of the lowest carbon intensities per TB of data usage compared to other service providers.

Across manufacturing sites, the Company has taken up several energy optimisation projects, waste heat recovery projects, opportunistic equipment upgrades and phase-wise implementation of Advance Process Control & Real Time Optimiser (APC & RTO) systems to improve on energy efficiency and resource conservation.

Renewable and Alternative Energy

Reliance has increased the use of renewable energy to power its operations.

The Company has installed rooftop solar panels, conducted trials of co-firing biomass with coal and invested in alternate energy solutions such as fuel cells and biofuels. These steps are helping the Company steadily reduce its dependency on conventional fuels.

6,91,217 GJ

Renewable energy used for Company operations

Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Reliance conducts periodic environmental impact studies for its greenfield and brownfield projects to evaluate and mitigate ecosystem impact. It has planted mangroves on 875 acres of land around its Jamnagar refinery plant to preserve the ecological balance and has also planted saplings across its sites to conserve biodiversity. RIL ensures its operations have no net negative impact on local biodiversity and ecosystems.

2.3+ crore

Saplings planted till date

Contributing to Circular Economy

Reliance recognises the need to transition to a low-carbon economy to grow sustainably while meeting investor expectations. It is taking proactive steps to accelerate this transition and has strengthened its internal governance mechanism to minimise, de-risk and mitigate risk as it moves to low-carbon operations.

Recognising the growing consumer preference for environment-friendly products, Reliance supports initiatives that promote circularity – such as the development of the R|ELAN™ fabric.

R|ELAN™ — Futureready Fabrics

R|Elan™ Fabric 2.0, the nextgeneration fabric brand, is made using specialty polyester fibres that combine functionality and fashion with a strong focus on sustainability. It is used across a portfolio of innovative, ecofriendly apparel segments such as activewear, denim, and ethnic and western wear.

Circular Design Challenge:

R|Elan™ ‘Fashion for Earth’ is an initiative rolled out in partnership with IMG and the United Nations Environment Programme to unveil a new collection called ‘Malai’. This collection won the second edition of India’s biggest sustainable fashion award, Circular Design Challenge, at the Lakme Fashion Week. It is made from a bio-composite material made from the agricultural waste of South India’s coconut industry and offers a viable alternative to non-sustainable materials.

Collaboration with Pankaj and Nidhi at LFW

R|Elan™ has conceptualised and consistently supports circularity to encourage sustainable fashion solutions. The Reliance team collaborated with the famous designer duo Pankaj and Nidhi for the second time to showcase its newest collection at the first-ever digital edition of Lakme Fashion Week 2020.

Using cutting-edge technology, the team, along with the designer duo, developed innovative solutions such as R|Elan™ GreenGold – made from 100% recycled used PET bottles, R|Elan™ FeelFresh with antimicrobial properties and R|Elan™ Kooltex, which keeps the wearer cool for a longer time.